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4 Wonderful Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Writer's picture: Neuroscience SpecialistsNeuroscience Specialists

Updated: Jun 3, 2022

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (or CTS) has become a mounting cause of concern among Work From Home workers. As the Covid 19 pandemic felled the greatest powers around the world, more and more people began to adjust to sedentary work life and many employees picked up repetitive stress injuries during their time at home, CTS becoming one of the most common ones.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve that runs along your forearm to your hand is pinched. The name Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is derived from the narrow space through with the nerve passes aka the Carpal Tunnel.

The disorder can be hard to identify at first as many of its symptoms tend to overlap with other orthopedic issues. The first symptoms of CTS are tingling or numbness in your arms and hands, most prominently felt in your thumb and index finger. Some also report weakness in their wrists and fingers.

Thankfully, Carpal Tunnel treatment surgery and other forms of care are easily accessible today. In fact, you can also apply a bunch of home remedies for relief.

Remedies for CTS that You Can Try at Home

1. Take a Break Every 30 Minutes

Repetitive tasks like typing/computer work, playing an instrument, and construction work like drilling can cut off the blood supply to your hands. You can either set a timer to go off every 15-30 minutes or if that seems too irksome you can rely on your body’s internal clock too. Every time your wrist feels uncomfortable, take a break to stretch and return the feeling to your fingers. Over time, you will build a habit and no longer need a reminder.

2. Wear Wrist Splints

You can also splints, on your wrists that keep the posture neutral and relieve pressure on the median nerve. Most people report feeling the most pain at night, if that is the case with you wear your splint to bed. Not only will it hold the neutral posture of your wrist all night, it will also help against the pain and weakness.

3. Relax Your Grip

To many, the strong grip is a psychological response to anxiety, while some do it subconsciously. Either way, a grip too strong causes stress on the median nerve and increases the likelihood of an injury. You can use soft-grip pens and make a conscious effort to relax your grip whenever you catch yourself gripping too hard. Sometimes, you can also try identifying anxiety triggers and find better ways for your body to respond.

4. Keep Your Hands Warm

It is more common to see reports of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in colder regions, or among people who spend a major part of their day in airconditioned rooms. You can wear fingerless gloves to keep the pain and stiffness at bay. Another way is to apply the warm water method. Simply submerge your hands in a bowl of lukewarm water and let it sit until the knots slip away. You can also gently stretch and flex your fingers and wrists. The warm water treatment should be done at least 2 times a day.

Neuroscience Specialists offers a wide range of treatments including carpal tunnel treatment surgery. Since being founded in 1948, we have strived forward with only one goal in life and that is to bring world-class neurosurgical treatment to Oklahoma City.

With a team of the most dynamic doctors in town, years of experience, and the expertise that comes with it, we assure you that you are in safe hands. To book an appointment with our expert neurosurgeons, call us at (405) 748-3300 or fill out the contact form on our website.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.


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